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Socio-environmental projects

Our company is proud to support initiatives that contribute to social and environmental well-being. Check it out:


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Sailing in Poetry

The Navegando na Poesia project works on the development of reading and writing skills, specially poetry, of students from the 3rd and 4th grades of the Elementary School, coming from Municipal Public Schools. In addition to the literary workshops, the project has produced 6 books and 2 magazines since 2018, with essays by students, teachers and pedagogical staff. The purpose is to promote access to reading and writing through playful and participatory activities taking into account local and regional culture, putting together concepts of literature in a dreamlike atmosphere, uniting dreams with transformation of reality.

Horta Sustentável

With a focus on promoting urban family farming, the Horta Sustentável project is structured around three pillars: the recovery of areas to be cultivated; the continued training of family farmers; and entrepreneurship incentives. The project also provides assistance with the preparation of economic development plans for participants to define their objectives, which incorporates education, income generation, and environmental preservation in Betim communities.

Hortas Orgânicas em Faixas de Dutos

The Hortas Orgânicas em Faixas de Dutos project encourages the sustainable practice of agriculture as a way to mitigate social risks in pipeline right-of-ways and transmission lines in communities in Duque de Caxias and Nova Iguaçu. The project's activities include training families for agricultural production in urban gardens and the sale of agricultural products, in addition to assistance and incentives for the creation and management of businesses and cooperatives to increase income generation in communities through organic agriculture.

Scarlet Ibis

The conservation proposal and environmental awareness is the focus of the Guará Vermelho project, which is a bird that is the symbol of environmental recovery in Cubatão. The project will promote actions to clean rivers, the main feeding and breeding habitat of these birds. The purpose of the project is to contribute to the recovery, conservation and environmental preservation of the biodiversity and ecosystem of the Cubatão and Casqueiro river basins and their tributaries.


The Guapiaçu project operates in the recovery of the Atlantic Forest ecosystem in the Ecological Reserve of Guapiaçu, located in Cachoeiras de Macacu. It includes the recovery of a 100-hectare area and the maintenance of a 160-hectare area recovered in previous editions of the project. To this end, the project works on ecological restoration by planting native seedlings, monitoring water quality, and reintroducing species of native fauna, such as tapirs, in addition to developing environmental education programs for children and adolescents in the region. The project is part of Redágua - Rede de Conservação Águas da Guanabara, which brings together projects aimed at scientific knowledge, environmental education, and conservation actions in the Guanabara Bay and its surroundings.

Janelas para o Amanhã

For many children and adolescents, early access to computer equipment is a decisive factor in the career opportunities they will take. With the objective of increasing the quality of public education and reducing inequalities in the educational area, the Janelas para o Amanhã project invests in digital inclusion by donating computers and providing training in information technology to students and teachers of public schools in 3 states where Petrobras operates.

Grael - Mar de Oportunidades

By investing in sports as a means of transformation, the Mar de Oportunidades project, by the Grael Institute, promotes the social inclusion and civic education of low-income children and young adults. To this end, the project offers socialization opportunities through the practice of nautical sports, such as sailing, and professional qualification actions, preparing young adults for the job market in the nautical sector. This is done in a way where the teaching of sports and professional skills is integrated with environmental education and the rescue of the maritimity culture.

Jardim de Nádia: Semeando o futuro da inclusão

The Jardim de Nádia project aims to promote the inclusion of children, adolescents, and young adults with disabilities in the municipality of Itaboraí through education, preparing them for the job market, and offering income generation opportunities for participants' mothers and/or guardians. Planned activities include art and education workshops, training for the world of work, psychosocial care for participants and their families, as well as income generation training for the participants' mothers or guardians.

Golfinho Rotador

Headquartered in Fernando de Noronha, the Golfinho Rotador project seeks to reconcile the preservation of marine ecosystems with sustainable development. It promotes research activities, such as dolphin monitoring and study expeditions; and environmental education actions to raise the awareness of the local population and tourists to the importance of preserving the marine ecosystem. In addition, it also offers professional training actions, support for cultural and sports initiatives, professional education and consultancy in sustainable management for small entrepreneurs on the island, and ecotourism courses. It is also a member of Rede Biomar, which brings together marine biodiversity conservation projects sponsored by Petrobras.

Young Paths

The proposal of the Jovens Caminhos project is to contribute to the insertion of young people and adults from the communities of Mauá and Santo André in economic activities. The idea is that this public be able to follow a path of qualification to start their professional lives in the areas of Art and Education or Information Technology. From this qualification, they can act as entrepreneurs or as workers in public or private organizations, adopting ethical, environmental, social values and respect for Human Rights.

Ginga: Inovar para Transformar

The Ginga - Inovar para Transformar project seeks to expand young adults' access to job and income opportunities in the audiovisual and new technologies market. To that end, the project offers professional training in the audiovisual, communication, games, and new technologies areas. It also offers cultural activities focused on communication and human rights, courses for educators and community leaders, preparation of educational materials, and mentoring in entrepreneurship. Actions with community participation, such as game marathons and "hackathons", awaken children and adolescents' interest in technology.

Jovens Comunicadores

With a focus on education for the world of work, the Jovens Comunicadores project expects to serve 600 young adults aged 16 to 29 through education and qualification actions in IT and Communication, including technical training on media. Participants will form a network of young communicators who will check and produce information on fundamental rights, serving as a direct channel with the local population through a Popular Communication Agency. This training and experience are aimed at increasing their opportunities to enter the job market.

Youth in Sustainability Action

The Jovens em Ação Sustentabilidade project works with young people who live at risk of social vulnerability. The project seeks to contribute so that these adolescents and young talents are trained to act professionally and become agents that multiply knowledge and practices. The idea is to work with the concepts of citizenship and "life projects" in the formation of this public, disseminating, through educommunication, the promotion of rights and sustainable development.

Gerando Futuro - Três Lagoas

Transforming lives through education and professional qualification is the purpose of the Gerando Futuro Project, which serves adolescents, young adults, and adults in the city of Três Lagoas through professional initiation and qualification activities in areas such as information technology, welding, car mechanics, and industrial cutting and sewing. The project also integrates other activities, such as sports, environmental education, and citizenship.

Mangues da Amazônia

The Mangues da Amazônia project operates in the recovery and conservation of mangroves in Marine Extractive Reserves in the state of Pará, promoting strategies for the sustainable management of wood and the uçá crab with the participation of local communities. The project also promotes environmental education and training actions aimed at the community, as well as research activities on the ecology of mangroves, which are key ecosystems for carbon fixation and climate change mitigation.

Mão na Massa - Bahia

With the aim of promoting employability and income generation, the Mão na Massa - Bahia project offers professional qualification activities in the civil construction field. It offers training on construction work, electricity, painting, and carpentry to people aged 17 to 40 in different communities in the municipalities of Alagoinhas and Araçás, with a view to contributing to the development of work skills, increasing professional placement opportunities, and strengthening local institutions.

Mão na Massa RJ

Based in Rio de Janeiro, the Mão na Massa project fights prejudice by promoting the professional qualification of socially vulnerable women in the civil construction industry. To that end, the project offers courses in construction work, electricity, painting, and other areas of civil construction, expanding income generation opportunities in the communities and promoting entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs.

Sea is Culture

The Mar é Cultura Project works to strengthen sustainable, orderly and responsible mariculture, capable of generating employment and income, promoting the permanence of small mariculturists, caiçaras and fishermen in their place of origin. Thus, the project aims to increase food productivity in coastal areas with rational exploitation, fostering the development of sustainable fish, tourism and aquaculture production chains while favoring environmental conservation and meeting the multiple uses of marine space.

Franca Austral

With a focus on preserving marine biodiversity, the Franca Austral project aims to expand and spread scientific knowledge about the Southern Right Whale through research actions. One of these actions involves the preparation of species distribution maps through terrestrial and aerial monitoring, operating over 400 km of coastline on the southern coast of Brazil. The project also promotes environmental education at its visitor center, seeking to raise awareness of the importance of whale preservation for the ecosystem.

Maré Unida

Boxing and martial arts can fight violence through the transformation they promote in the lives of those who practice these sports. Based on this principle, the Maré Unida project, by Luta Pela Paz, offers fighting sports activities combined with professional qualification activities and preparation for the job market. It is targeted at children, adolescents, and young adults from Complexo da Maré, in Rio de Janeiro, and from Parque das Missões, in Duque de Caxias.


The purpose of the Mares project is to preserve the marine environment of Itaparica Island (BA) through the recovery of coral environments, environmental education and community participation based on citizen science. For this, the project will train young people for coral monitoring; will work with training for primary school teachers; will use social technology in coral conservation, among other actions to disseminate the culture of ocean science.

Fogão do Mar

In some socially vulnerable communities, the use of wood stoves is frequent, which poses risks to the environment and to the health of locals. To change this reality, the Fogão do Mar project seeks to spread eco-efficient productive stoves, an alternative and clean technology that is expected to reduce the use of firewood in communities in the Extractive Reserve of Baía do Iguape by serving the local population involved in the processing of seafood and fish.

Mariscar é uma Arte

Traditionally practiced by women from Ilha de Maré, in the state of Bahia, collecting and processing shellfish and fish can be a way to reconcile income generation and sustainable development in the community. To take advantage of this potential, the Mariscar é uma Arte project offers these women professional training in good fish processing practices and supports the construction of processing units. The actions also integrate environmental education and solidarity economy.

Meninas em Movimento

With the purpose of tackling the sexual abuse of children and adolescents, the Meninas em Movimento project promotes the role of girls and young women and the articulation with the rights protection network. The activities carried out by the project include workshops aimed at preventing sexual abuse, communication campaigns, and actions with local bodies that work to ensure the rights of children and adolescents.

Florestas de Valor

To encourage sustainable economic development by keeping the forest standing is the challenge proposed by the Florestas de Valor project. The project is an initiative focused on the implementation of sustainable production systems, the productive reconversion of degraded areas, and the strengthening of chains of non-timber forest products, disseminating agroecology and conserving the forest in two different regions of the State of Pará. As a result, in addition to conserving natural resources and valuing traditional populations, the project is expected to promote carbon fixation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Flores de Piranema

The Flores de Piranema project aims to promote the development of children and adolescents through education and the strengthening of family and community ties, working in partnership with the Rights Guarantee System. The activities carried out by the project include psychosocial care for children and families, with referrals to the assistance network when it is the case; educational and cultural activities, including early childhood activities; and seminars aimed at training professionals of the Rights Guarantee System.

Escola de Patrimônio Imaterial do Estado do Rio

To prepare children, adolescents, and young adults for the future by preserving the traditions and historical heritage of their communities: this is the purpose of the Escola de Patrimônio Imaterial do Estado do Rio, which encourages job creation through tourism in a sustainable way. Planned actions include oral-tradition workshops; cultural entrepreneurship training workshops; the strengthening of networks and business generation in the field of creative economy; events focused on intangible heritage and environmental education for local residents; and the creation of a training portal.

Meros do Brasil

As water giants that can reach more than two meters in length, groupers are important fish for the balance of marine ecosystems and are in danger of extinction. The Meros do Brasil project is part of Rede Biomar and aims at the conservation of groupers and the coastal and marine environments where they are found. To this end, the project develops scientific research actions that involve telemetry, grouper population monitoring, migration routes mapping, and strandings monitoring, in addition to environmental communication and education. The project is part of Rede Biomar, which brings together marine biodiversity conservation projects sponsored by Petrobras, and Redágua - Rede de Conservação Águas da Guanabara, which articulates projects aimed at scientific knowledge, environmental education, and conservation actions in the Guanabara Bay and its surroundings.

EMC - Música e Direitos Humanos em todos os Cantos

Focusing on music education, the project is expected to serve 800 students aged 7 to 17, residents of low-income communities, who will have free classes of instrument practice and music theory, in addition to citizenship workshops. Each student is provided with an instrument to practice at home, and with the assistance of coordinators, prepare for a concert for the community. At the end of the project, they can apply for the Orchestra and Nova Sinfonia choir.

Mobilizar e Agir

To promote the protection of the rights of children and adolescents who are in danger of sexual abuse and exploitation, the Mobilizar e Agir project sheds light onto children and adolescents and promotes the strengthening of their family ties, through psychosocial assistance and educational workshops. At the same time, in partnership with the bodies of the Rights Guarantee System, the project also offers seminars to engage system professionals in tackling sexual abuse against children and adolescents, seeking to change this reality.

Educar pelo Esporte

Held at Vila Olímpica da Maré, the project uses sport as a tool for early childhood development, also offering activities for adolescents and people with disabilities. Other activities, such as environmental education activities, are also planned from a sport perspective as part of children's comprehensive development.

Ubatuba Child Coastal Monitoring

The Monitoramento Costeiro Mirim project, in Ubatuba, focuses on environmental education to bring knowledge and sensitize the community to the conservation of the Brazilian coast. The project trains students in the 4th and 5th grades of municipal schools to form Little Guardians of the Ocean. Indigenous, quilombola and caiçara traditional communities; tourists and also the academic community are invited to participate in actions to learn about the coastal marine environment and the main impacts that threaten the region. Knowing to preserve is the great purpose.

Educa Seci

The Educa Seci project serves children from five to 12 years old, all public school students in the first years of elementary school, offering literacy school reinforcement. The team of educators does an individualized follow-up and uses an innovative methodology to overcome learning deficits. The goal is to break the cycle of poverty by strengthening basic education.

No Clima da Caatinga

The caatinga, the only exclusively Brazilian biome, is one of the most biodiverse environments in the world and also one of the most endangered. The No Clima da Caatinga project seeks to change this scenario by working in the Serra das Almas Natural Reserve, located between the states of Ceará and Piauí, through actions that involve environmental conservation, protection of water resources, and the dissemination of sustainable technologies such as solar ovens, the eco-efficient stoves, and ferrocement tanks in the surrounding communities. It also invests in environmental education actions in communities, encouraging the creation of environmental public policies and encouraging the management of Private Natural Heritage Reserves.

EDUC - Fase II

To use education as a means of encouraging communities to find solutions to the social and environmental problems they face in their regions: this is the purpose of the EDUC project, which raises awareness among the residents of communities around Reduc, in Duque de Caxias, through environmental awareness actions, free courses for adolescents and young adults (ecoclubs), and environmental education actions in public schools, with an emphasis on solid waste management.

Check out the Climate, Coast!

The proposal of the Olha o Clima, Litoral! project is to develop and implement adaptation strategies and practices for the mangroves and marshes of Paraná, in order to make these ecosystems and local communities more resilient to climate change. Among the actions planned are the restoration of at least six hectares of salt marshes and mangroves in the Antonina Bay diagnosing the remnants of mangroves and marshes and estimating the respective carbon stocks, in the current scenario and in future scenarios. The team will also provide technical support to decision makers, diagnose the socio-environmental scenario in seven municipalities on the coast of Paraná, work with environmental education, among other actions.

Ecos do Campo

The Ecos do Campo project encourages family agroecology as an instrument for generating income in São Mateus do Sul communities. It does that by offering training in agroecology and family agroindustry. Environmental conservation actions are also developed, such as the recovery of springs and the implementation of agroecological sewage treatment systems, in addition to environmental education activities for children.

Education & Citizenship - Paulínia

The Paulínia Educação e Cidadania project seeks to strengthen the protective role of families and family ties, preventing situations of violence and/or violation of rights. To achieve this goal, the project carries out psychosocial and socio-educational activities, such as artistic and cultural workshops, cultural and leisure tours and visits, as well as events aimed at families and the community. The actions are developed with children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years old, encouraging them to stay in school and contributing to integral training and the exercise of citizenship.

Fishermen of Stories

Associate environmental education, appreciation of local identity, self-knowledge, professional qualification and income generation. This is the purpose of the Pescadores de Histórias project that will involve 360 people, from 7 to 59 years old, from Vila dos Pescadores, in Cubatão (SP). The project is focusing on education and engagement as ways to preserve the environment and disseminate the caiçara culture. Children will have environmental education classes, project management training and artistic language workshops; while adults will learn how to develop and manage projects in entrepreneurship classes and will have sewing and craft workshops. The idea is to develop an integrated Theater, Cinema and Fashion show with presentations of theater plays and short films made by the students themselves.

Popular Economies: strengthening work links with innovation and environmental sustainability

The Economias Populares project seeks to promote economic, social and environmental development in an integrated manner in the areas of influence of the Duque de Caxias Refinery (REDUC). The proposal is to strengthen popular economic enterprises, connected by democratic, ecological and innovative networks. These initiatives will be combined with an environmental education program that will promote values, skills, attitudes and competencies aimed at nature conservation, seen as a common good. These initiatives are integrated with the need for knowledge about climate change.


The objective of the Ecomuseu project is to help the community play a main role in environment preservation through actions that promote the preservation, valuation, and improvement of collective knowledge on our relationship with nature, and also rescue popular culture and memory. Project's activities cover, in a special way, 17 neighborhoods located in the east and southeast regions of São José dos Campos, with a series of heritage and environmental education activities.

Primeira Infância Cidadã

With the aim of making early childhood a priority in municipal public policies, strengthening the Rights Guarantee System and public policies for children's rights, the Primeira Infância Cidadã project develops actions in 15 municipalities. The project includes the diagnosis of local conditions and the qualification of public authorities and civil society professionals who work in the elaboration of Early Childhood public policies, supporting the preparation and review of Early Childhood Municipal Plans. It is part of the Territórios pela Primeira Infância Initiative, which integrates projects that focus on the promotion and protection of the rights of children from 0 to 6 years of age in 15 municipalities of the areas where Petrobras operates in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe.

Ecoclimate - Maré’s Circular Economy and Climate Center

The Maré community in Rio de Janeiro is learning about the impacts of climate change on a daily basis. The purpose of the Ecoclima project is to catalyze socio-environmental transformations that contribute to the mitigation of these impacts with the creation of the Ecoclima Maré Center. The specific objectives of the Center will be to offer training for climate agents to become multipliers of this knowledge and to carry out a pilot project for climate action in the community, with the implementation of four environmental technologies that aim to make the territory more resilient to the effects of climate change.

Primeira Infância em primeiro lugar

To improve assistance to children in early childhood, the Primeira Infância em Primeiro Lugar project, developed by UNESCO, promotes the training of civil society organizations that serve this public, seeking to encourage and develop actions that protect the rights of children in an ethical and responsible way. Based on a survey of good practices by CSOs working in the field, the project aims to develop and offer training to 210 representatives of partner organizations in 15 municipalities of areas where Petrobras operates. Primeira Infância em Primeiro Lugar is part of the Territórios pela Primeira Infância Initiative, which integrates projects that focus on the promotion and protection of the rights of children from 0 to 6 years of age in 15 municipalities of the areas where Petrobras operates in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe.

Awakening to Autonomy

Through professional qualification actions, the Despertar para a Autonomia project aims to promote the generation of income and opportunities for adolescents and young adults from communities in Curitiba and Araucária, both in the State of Paraná. Professional courses will be offered in the areas of aesthetics and beauty, gastronomy, electricity and mechanics, administrative assistance, civil construction, and crafts. The project also plans to implement an urban community garden aimed at income generation through the cultivation of succulents.

Qualificação Direta em Primeira Infância

To promote improvements in the education of children aged 0 to 6, the Qualificação Direta em Primeira Infância project, carried out by FGV, seeks to advise and qualify professionals from the municipal education system who work with this public in 15 municipalities where Petrobras operates. In partnership with local governments and municipal bodies involved in protecting the rights of children and adolescents, the project develops mentorships with secretaries, officers, and professionals involved in the elaboration of public policies. The project also supports the diagnosis of early childhood education indicators and the preparation of a plan of goals for the development of early childhood education in the municipalities. The Qualificação Direta em Primeira Infância is part of the Territórios pela Primeira Infância Initiative, which integrates projects that focus on the promotion and protection of the rights of children from 0 to 6 years of age in 15 municipalities of the areas where Petrobras operates in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe.

Sustainable Quilombo

Quilombo Sustentável expands the possibilities of productive inclusion and income generation for women, men and young people in the Quilombo Sertão de Itamambuca, in Ubatuba. The project uses sustainable economic development strategies, such as the implementation and expansion of agroforestry systems (AFS), implementation of a multi-trophic aquaculture system (fish production) and seedling nursery, community cooking and expansion of community-based tourism (CBT). The project also aims to expand the maturity of the sustainable management of the quilombola association in terms of participatory leadership and teamwork, administrative and financial management, among other aspects.

Roots of Cooperation

Mangrove conservation is essential for maintaining the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest, coastal protection, climate change mitigation and the well-being of people who live and generate income from this ecosystem. Based on collaborative efforts and integrated approaches, Raízes da Cooperação aims to contribute to the conservation of mangroves and sandbanks in Greater Florianópolis. The project will act on three main fronts: the recovery of mangroves and sandbanks invaded by pine trees (pinus); research on carbon fixation by mangroves and environmental education.

Raízes do Purus

Through sustainable forest management, indigenous peoples can contribute to the preservation of the Amazon and generate income for their communities. The Raízes do Purus project promotes initiatives for the protection, management, and sustainable use of natural products, such as fish, fruit, copaiba oil, and other products from agroecology and sustainable extractivism in the Indigenous Lands (ILs) Caititu, Jarawara/Jamamadi/Kanamanti, Paumari do Lago Manissuã, Paumari do Lago Paricá, Paumari do Cuniuá, and Deni, belonging to the Apurinã, Jamamadi, Paumari, and Deni do Rio Xeruã people.


Rebimar The Rebimar project operates in the coastal area between the state of Paraná and the south of the state of São Paulo. This area has one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest and one of the greatest marine biodiversity in the country. The project's purpose is to conserve and recover these coastal environments and the endangered species in the region (such as groupers, sea turtles, and guitarfish) by carrying out scientific research on these species and their habitats, studies on the impact of microplastics on the ecosystem, in addition to environmental education actions for fishing communities in the region.

Keeping an Eye on the Rivers

The De Olho nos Rios project team believes that the management of water resources is more effective when there is community participation. Therefore, the project promotes the participation of people by encouraging the adoption of practices that contribute to the recovery of degraded areas and the conservation of forests and natural areas. These areas are considered important potential sources of carbon sequestration and protection and preservation of wildlife, knowing that these animals are indicators of regional environmental quality.

Recycle + Community

The use of recyclable materials is one of the solutions to reduce the discarded solid waste. Selective collection in companies and households needs to be complemented by the work of waste pickers who generate income from the separation and disposal of these materials. That's where Recicla Mais Comunidade comes in, a partnership with an association of waste pickers from Cubatão. The purpose of the project is to promote improvement in the living conditions of the population in situation of social vulnerability, especially the residents of the communities Jardim Costa e Silva, Bairro Parque Fernando Jorge, Bairro São José and Vila Elizabeth. The project provides for the adjustment of the workspace, improvement of the receipt of recyclable materials, income generation, environmental awareness and support in their access to social rights.

Rede PetroTec ES

In view of a scenario of inequalities, the Rede PetroTec ES project contributes to the generation of alternative incomes and to the strengthening of food and nutritional security with strategies aimed at restructuring the agricultural, aquaculture, fishing and tourism productive sectors in 11 communities spread across five municipalities in Espírito Santo. This work will be associated with the appreciation of ethnicity, gender, generation and productive, creative and digital inclusion. In addition to technical assistance to 240 family farmers, fishermen, quilombolas, settlers, young people, women and entrepreneurs, market research will be carried out and there will be a free platform for marketing produced goods, among other initiatives.

Child Citizen

The Criança Cidadã project works to protect and guarantee the rights of children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability and social risk in Esteio. Through socio-educational workshops held after school hours, the project encourages the protagonism and exercise of full citizenship, with a view to strengthening family and community ties, which contributes to the healthy and dignified coexistence of these children and young people in their territory.

Rede Solidária de Mulheres de Sergipe

Rede Solidária's purpose is to promote income generation in a sustainable way. The project starts by valuing traditional knowledge, such as the tradition of mangaba collectors in Sergipe, who use materials from the local biodiversity to make different products. To strengthen this production, the project offers professional qualification activities in agroecology, production and sale of agroecological products, and marketing. These activities are integrated with environmental education actions to promote the sustainable use of local resources.

Reforestation: Water and Carbon

The ReFloresta: Água e Carbono was born from the Water and Forest Producers (PAF) program of the Guandu river basin in Rio de Janeiro, and its biggest challenge is to foster the integration of rural landowners and other participants in the program that began in 2008. The project has the partnership of the community of Quilombo do Alto da Serra (Rio Claro/RJ) and aims to encourage the conservation of water, soil and forests, as well as the mitigation of the climate change effects. Actions are planned aimed at environmental education, technical training and the development of local socioeconomic potential. The project will also foster research on quantifying the impacts of conservation and sustainable use in reducing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases in biomass, as well as studying the impacts on the springs that make up the Guandu Hydrographic Basin, the main source of water for the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Rocky Coast

The Costão Rochoso Project is one of the pioneers in the use of acoustic telemetry to monitor reef fish, such as budiões. From 2023, with the partnership of Petrobras, the project incorporated turtles in its scientific studies, environmental education initiatives and other biodiversity conservation actions. The project carries out its actions in the Marine Extractive Reserve (RESEXMar) of Arraial do Cabo.

Semeando Água

Degradation of forest areas has negative impacts on the water supply in regions such as Serra da Cantareira, which supplies water to Greater São Paulo. To fight this problem, the Semeando Água project promotes the adoption of new rural production technologies, and forest restoration actions in the region. These initiatives contribute to the mitigation of climate change and the economic development of the region through sustainable agriculture.

Corredor Caipira

In order to reduce the effects of environmental degradation in the countryside of São Paulo, the Corredor Caipira project proposes to carry out the forest recomposition of 70 hectares, seeking the formation of ecological corridors that interconnect several preserved areas. The project also expects to create an active bank of forest species of ecological and economic importance, in order to conserve genetic material for immediate use or with potential for future use.

Semeando Cidadania, Saber & Cultura

With the purpose of contributing to the recovery and appreciation of art and culture in the state of Minas Gerais, the project Semeando Cidadania, Saber & Cultura develops educational and artistic activities for children and adolescents of all ages. The activities cover heritage education, art-education, literature, music education, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), which promotes the integration and inclusion of hard-of-hearing individuals.

Coral Vivo

Crucial for marine ecosystems, coral reefs are endangered by factors such as environmental pollution, climate change, and the introduction of invasive species. To change this scenario and promote the preservation of these ecosystems, the Coral Vivo project carries out scientific research, dissemination of information, environmental education, and the awareness and articulation of society. Among the actions developed by the project, the monitoring of reefs on the Costa do Descobrimento and the expansion of scientific production on Brazilian reefs stand out. The project is part of Rede Biomar, which articulates marine biodiversity conservation initiatives sponsored by Petrobras, and Redágua - Rede de Conservação Águas da Guanabara, which brings together projects aimed at scientific knowledge, environmental education, and conservation actions in the Guanabara Bay and its surroundings.

Construindo o Futuro

The Construindo o Futuro project invests in education and professional qualification to promote social inclusion in Betim. For children in early childhood (0 to 6 years old), the activities are playful, focusing on reading and storytelling. Children and adolescents participate in sports and cultural workshops, in addition to comprehensive education and human development activities. For young people and adults aged 16 to 40, professional training courses are offered in areas such as computing, administrative assistance, front desk reception, hairdressing, manicure and pedicure, among others.

Synapse - Alfabetização e Educação Infantil

Aiming to improve the quality of child education, the Synapse project promotes the replication and improvement of social technologies for literacy and school management. It trains educators and school managers in innovative methodologies, which are adapted to the reality of the 15 municipalities where the project operates. In addition to training and workshops, the project also provides technological resources such as applications to improve school management in the municipalities served. Synapse is part of the Territórios pela Primeira Infância Initiative, which integrates projects that focus on the promotion and protection of the rights of children from 0 to 6 years of age in 15 municipalities of the areas where Petrobras operates in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Norte, and Sergipe.

Comunidade Segura

With the objective of contributing to the mitigation of risks for communities located in the ranges of Petrobras pipelines, the Comunidade Segura project works to strengthen social actors present in these territories, such as Civil Society Organizations, through consultancy and training actions. It also operates on the educational sports front, assisting children and adolescents by teaching fighting sports and professional qualification activities, in addition to training educators in the Luta pela Paz methodology.

Tecendo as Águas

The Tecendo as Águas project aims to promote the preservation and sustainable use of water resources on the north coast of the state of São Paulo. This is done through responsible tourism practices, which generate income in a sustainable way, along with actions for the conservation of biodiversity and environmental education to raise the awareness of surrounding communities.

Tecendo Redes na Primeira Infância

With the aim of contributing to the protection of children's rights, the Tecendo Redes na Primeira Infância project provides psychosocial and pedagogical care for children in early childhood (0 to 6 years old) through interdisciplinary assistance in order to prevent and minimize abusive situations and their consequences. In addition to providing direct assistance to children and families, the project also carries out diagnoses, advising, and training for professionals who work with early childhood public policies. The project also focuses on prevention through actions aimed at workers of large operations and mass campaigns for a wide audience.

Citizenship 382

The Cidadania 382 project aims to strengthen citizenship education in five municipalities in Vale do Paraíba Paulista and three in Baixada Santista, in the State of São Paulo. The project works on two fronts. In the Non-formal Education axis, we seek to strengthen citizen protagonism through an educational Formative Journey for young people, from 16 years old, creating a network of active citizenship and social control. The Formal Education axis seeks to consolidate the teaching of citizenship in the formal Basic Education system through the construction and implementation of curricular components.

Tennis Transforming Lives

The Tênis Transformando Vidas project works with about 300 vulnerable children and adolescents in the municipality of São José dos Campos. The idea is to provide a journey of socio-educational, sports, cognitive and emotional development, creating a new life project for a changing world. In addition to tennis fundamentals, students also learn about friendship, respect, excellence, and ethics. The objective of is to promote the integral development of students through the sports practice of tennis, with a pedagogical basis grounded on the educational values of Olympism.

Centro de Referência Esportiva Três Lagoas

Transforming through sports is the motto of the Centro de Referência Esportiva de Três Lagoas, which proposes the teaching of sports for all in an inclusive and solidary way. The project expects to serve approximately 900 public school students between the ages of 5 and 18 through sports activities (rowing, canoeing, judo, fencing, volleyball, soccer, handball, basketball, and others), that are integrated with environmental education and edu-communication. The project also promotes training for teachers and educators in the methodology of educational sports.

Centro de Referência Esportiva Mangueira

Transforming people's lives in the Rio de Janeiro community of Mangueira through sports: this is the mission of the Centro de Referência Esportiva da Mangueira, which offers sports activities for children, adolescents, young adults, adults, and elderly people in various modalities, including judo, swimming, basketball, Olympic gymnastics, soccer, and others, in an educational way and adapted to different audiences, seeking to increase the involvement and participation of the community.

Brazilian Harbour Porpoise

Featuring a multidisciplinary team, the Toninhas do Brasil project conducts research involving various aspects related to the ecology of this endangered dolphin species that gives the project its name. Habitat distribution and use, bioacoustics and behavior, interaction with fishing and food ecology are some of the research fronts that provide the basis for harbour porpoise conservation actions. All this without leaving out the work of environmental education and strategic communication, which seeks to bring society closer to marine conservation. The project operates in the states of São Paulo and Paraná, where the species lives, joining efforts with local institutions to reduce the mortality of porpoises, especially those related to bycatch in fishing.

Centro de Esporte e Educação - RJ

With the purpose of transforming lives through the practice of educational sports, the Centro de Esporte e Educação do Rio de Janeiro serves approximately 600 children and adolescents aged 6 to 14, public school students, with sports activities such as futsal, handball, and chess. It also offers integration activities to families and communities that cover health, environmental education, and other topics.

Centro de Esporte e Educação - BA

Promoting learning through games and children's curiosity: these are the bases of the innovative methodology of the Centro de Esporte e Educação da Bahia, which serves children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 with sports workshops in various modalities, Portuguese and Mathematics tutoring, and various cultural activities carried out after school hours.

Tradição e Futuro na Amazônia

To preserve the Amazon Forest through the conservation of local peoples' traditions is the purpose of Tradição e Futuro na Amazônia, in the states of Mato Grosso and Pará. The project's actions include environmental education, which values traditional knowledge; the development of a Management Plan for the territory served; the mapping of carbon stocks; and the implementation of agroforestry systems to promote sustainable income generation.


The mangrove is an important ecosystem for carbon fixation and the environmental balance of the oceans. To promote the preservation of these environments, the Uçá project carries out actions to fight coastal waste and promote the reforestation and monitoring of mangroves in the Guanabara Bay. These actions are integrated with the production of scientific knowledge. The uçá crab is one of the best-known species in this environment and thus became the symbol of the project, which also develops environmental education actions, involving young adults as multiplying agents. The Uçá project is part of Redágua - Rede de Conservação Águas da Guanabara, which brings together projects aimed at scientific knowledge, environmental education, and conservation actions in the Guanabara Bay and its surroundings.

Seahorses of RJ

Associating the research and conservation of seahorses with environmental education and alternative income creation for young people and women of fishermen is the main focus of the Cavalos-marinhos do Rio de Janeiro project. The idea is to protect the animal that is often accidentally fished or traded as an exotic species. The work of the team of biologists aims to characterize the stocks of seahorse populations in the state of Rio de Janeiro, identifying the structure of the populations, the impact of artisanal fishing and establishing priority areas for the preservation of these animals.

Unicirco Arte, Educação e Comunidade

The circus, in addition to being fun, can also represent transformation in the lives of children, adolescents and young adults. The purpose of Unicirco Arte, Educação e Comunidade is to promote the social integration of children and adolescents from communities in Rio de Janeiro and its metropolitan area through the development of pedagogical, social, artistic, and cultural activities, with emphasis on circus activities, involving the community at events that are open to the public.

Canarinhos da Terra

Transforming lives through artistic education: this is the proposal of the Canarinhos da Terra project, which serves around 600 children and adolescents in communities in Paulínia and Campinas (SP), with musical and artistic training activities after school hours, in partnership with state and municipal schools.

Sustainable Use of Lagunar Systems

Coastal lagoons are ecosystems of high biological productivity and varied ecosystem services for resident and visiting populations. The Uso Sustentável dos Sistemas Lagunares (USSL) project promotes the insertion of fishermen and communities as transforming agents in search of more efficient management systems that ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. The strengthening of communities is developed from the participatory monitoring of fishing production, which was a local claim, and valorization of the production chain, community-based tourism, as well as environmental education and training actions for income generation. One of the methodologies used is the sharing and dissemination of knowledge called Teia dos Saberes [Knowledge Net], which feeds all the axes of action of the project.

Vale Sustentável

The Vale Sustentável project works to preserve the caatinga, through the recovery and monitoring of 150 hectares of degraded areas in the sertão potiguar. It works to implement agroecological gardens, productive backyards, apiaries, and meliponaries, promoting the generation of sustainable income through agroecology. The project also develops environmental education actions, training young adults to act as environmental agents by collecting native seeds for reforestation, in addition to activities aimed at students from the public school system.


The Vidançar project carries out workshops on dance, tutoring, English, and psychosocial support for children, adolescents, and young adults in Complexo do Alemão, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In this edition, which is sponsored by Petrobras, the project plans to also include workshops on Civic Education, covering topics such as innovation, human rights, ethics, citizenship, and other cross-cutting topics, serving around 300 students.


Ornamental and endangered, parrotfish are essential fish for the functioning of coral reefs and the entire marine ecosystem. To improve the conservation of this species, the Budiões Project carries out several types of research, such as censuses, telemetry, and tissue collection. It is also responsible for a community-based monitoring plan for fishing and the training of tourism agents in the communities where it operates, promoting more sustainable ways of income generation.

Viva o Peixe-Boi Marinho

The Viva o Peixe-Boi Marinho project operates in the research and conservation of west Indian manatees, an endangered species found on the coast of Northeastern Brazil. Through scientific research, and by monitoring and reintroducing manatees in their habitat, the project hopes to support the strengthening of marine protected areas, as a tool for conservation. Conservation actions are developed to benefit coastal communities, involving environmental education, community-based tourism, and support for public policies.


The Boto-Cinza project seeks to expand knowledge and conservation actions on grey river-dolphins, an endangered mammal that inhabits our coast. The actions developed by the project include scientific research on the population and behavior of river dolphins, environmental education actions for school and university audiences, and participation in public policies for environmental preservation.

Viveiro Cidadão

The Viveiro Cidadão project promotes the forest recovery of 120 hectares of deforested areas in 10 municipalities in the state of Rondônia, in the Amazon biome, contributing to the fixation of carbon and the protection of water resources. These actions are developed in partnership with traditional communities in the region and encourage agroforestry production to generate income in a sustainable way. These actions value traditional knowledge and include the cultivation of seedlings and reforestation, contributing to the preservation of the Amazon Forest. It also expects to implement the Economic-Ecological Restoration School, Jardim Sensorial, by the Rede de Sementes da Bioeconomia Amazônica.

Baleia Jubarte

Promoting the recovery and conservation of the humpback whale in Brazil, so that environmental actions bring benefits to coastal communities: this is the challenge of the Baleia Jubarte project, which carries out several studies on the species and the protection of the marine and coastal environments where they live by using technologies for the aerial monitoring of the humpback population. The operating area includes 160,000 km2 of marine area and 3,066 km of coastline, about a third of the Brazilian coastline.

Aves Migratórias

The coasts of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte are part of the migration routes of some of the most endangered coastal birds in Brazil. To promote their conservation, the Aves Migratórias do Nordeste project monitors these populations, maps their migration routes, and manages protected areas. The project also encourages bird watching and the preservation of traditional fishing techniques (which are less aggressive to the environment) as an opportunity to generate income.

Aruanã - Guanabara’s Sea Turtles

The Aruanã project conducts scientific research with sea turtles as well as actions for the preservation of the species and the marine ecosystem. The team of biologists has a partnership with artisanal fishermen and maintains close relationships with communities in the Guanabara Bay region, in Rio de Janeiro. The main focus of the project is the juvenile green turtles of this region.


The Albatroz project focuses on preserving albatrosses and petrels, seabirds threatened by incidental capture by fishing fleets. To this end, through the development of new technologies, the project develops research on the distribution and abundance of these birds, their relationship with fishing, and ways to prevent them from being captured. The Albatroz project is part of Rede Biomar, which brings together marine biodiversity conservation projects sponsored by Petrobras.O projeto Albatroz é integrante da Rede Biomar, que reúne projetos de conservação da biodiversidade marinha patrocinados pela Petrobras.

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