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Get to know Cenpes, the Petrobras research center

The Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello Research, Development and Innovation Center (Cenpes) is the place to imagine, create and build our future today.
Person using virtual reality glasses to visit a refinery

Created in 1963, Cenpes is one of the biggest applied research complexes in the world

It is on Ilha do Fundão, in Rio de Janeiro, that we develop research that becomes business strategy and generates value for Petrobras, for society and for the entire global energy sector.
Scientist observing a liquid in a laboratory at Cenpes, the Petrobras Research Center.

Fields of activity

At Cenpes, we carry out the research that support business strategies and generate value for Petrobras. We develop technological solutions and technical assistance aimed at exploration and production of oil and gas, related to geosciences, reservoir engineering, rise and distribution, wells, subsea and surface technologies.
In addition, we develop technological solutions and technical assistance for the areas of refining, gas and energy, logistics and product development for commercialization and sustainability, ensuring the implementation of technologies in the refining, transportation and commercialization segment.
The development of sustainable technologies for the energy market, including the decarbonization of operations and the development of renewable energies, is also one of the focuses of operation.

Main transformations led by Cenpes

Petrobras' pioneers already saw technology as the key to success, with the culture of innovation as one of the pillars for our company's growth. Today, Cenpes presents a trajectory of achievements, with the development of processes and technologies used in a pioneering way and that generate positive results for Petrobras and for the global industry in the oil, gas and energy sector.
Cenpes has the mission of imagining, creating and building the future of Petrobras today. Thus, it enables the creation of pioneering technologies and processes for the entire global sector. Discover some of these transformations.


Innovation to develop refining and boost the country

Still headquartered in Praia Vermelha, in Rio de Janeiro, our main focus of action at Cenpes was the refining area, as the objective at the time was to foster the national capacity for processing and producing fuels to supply the domestic market.


Technologies to transform the offshore segment

We inaugurated the Cenpes facilities in Cidade Universitária, in Rio de Janeiro. In the same period, the Exploration & Production area had its research intensified after the discovery of the Garoupa field, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, which marks the beginning of the series of discoveries of the offshore fields of the company in the Campos Basin.


Partnerships to enable production in deep waters

Petrobras made great discoveries at unprecedented depths. At that time, there was no proven technology in the world to make oil production feasible in giant fields at depths close to a thousand meters. Faced with this challenge, we seek international references, develop partnerships with suppliers, work together with universities and research centers and develop our own technologies.

In 1986, the Deep Water Training Technological Program (Procap) was created to generate technological support in Marlin and Albacora, making it possible for us to produce in up to a thousand meters of water depth.


Technologies with worldwide impact and recognition

In 1992, the second phase of Procap began with Procap 2000, focusing on the production of Marlim Sul and Roncador, the latter with 1,730 meters of water depth, considered the largest Brazilian deposit until then. The positive impact on the global segment of the technologies that made production possible in the Marlim fields was recognized, with Petrobras receiving two Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) awards.


Pioneering technologies to produce ultra-deep waters

A new exploratory frontier for oil and gas began in the pre-salt region with the discovery of the Tupi field. Once again, Petrobras identified a great opportunity for growth, with an important change in the level of the world industry. The third phase of Procap, Procap 3000, was also started, which generated technological support for the production of the ultra-deep phases of Marlim Sul and Roncador.


Intensified focus on eco-efficient solutions, for Petrobras and the market

At that time, Procap Visão Futuro was created, facing solutions that increase efficiency and production results in deep and ultra-deep waters. The Cenpes Expansion facilities were inaugurated and are distinguished by advanced eco-efficiency concepts.







See the complete timeline of Petrobras's history

Principais transformações lideradas pelo Cenpes

s pioneiros da Petrobras já enxergavam a tecnologia como a chave para o sucesso, tendo a cultura da inovação como um dos pilares para o crescimento da nossa empresa. Hoje, o Cenpes apresenta uma trajetória de conquistas, com desenvolvimento de processos e tecnologias aplicados de forma pioneira e que geram resultados positivos para a Petrobras e para a indústria mundial no segmento de petróleo, gás e energia.

O Cenpes tem a missão de imaginar, criar e fazer hoje o futuro da Petrobras. Dessa maneira, possibilita a criação de tecnologias e processos pioneiros para todo o setor global. Conheça algumas dessas transformações.

Scientific cooperation and open innovation

As part of our collaborative culture, we have established scientific cooperation programs in search of innovative solutions. Historically, we have worked in partnership with national and foreign universities and research institutions, suppliers, startups and other operators with the aim of developing technologies to provide energy that ensures prosperity in an ethical, fair, safe and competitive manner.
This interaction with the innovative ecosystem is put into practice by the Petrobras Connections for Innovation Program.


Over nearly 70 years, Petrobras has built a history of overcoming challenges. We established research as the basis for the knowledge and development of new technologies and built a successful history in the development and implementation of innovative technologies from the exploration of oil basins, implementation of production systems in deep and ultra-deep waters, to the refining and production of petroleum byproducts.

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