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Gas: learn everything about a market full of transformations

On the one hand, we have natural gas as the transitional fuel par excellence. On the other hand, an internal environment that encourages the entry of new players in the various links to the natural gas chain. Find out more about our work in this context.
Gas refinery

Stay on top of the path travelled by Gas to your home

 Our company explores natural gas in offshore fields, where it is stored in large reservoirs. This product can be found in two different ways: associated with oil — this being the most common option in Brazil, representing most of the national production — and also as not associated with oil, in fields where there is only gas.

After being extracted, the gas is distributed to the Processing Units through pipelines, where it undergoes a process to separate it from impurities. 

Finally, the gas enters the transport pipelines to be delivered to distributors, which are responsible for taking the product to homes, industries, stores and gas stations. Do you want to learn more? Watch the following video:

We are living a new moment: understand the Opening of the Gas Market

The New Gas Law established a new regulatory framework for the natural gas sector in Brazil. Within this new scenario, our strategy is focused on acting in a competitive and integrated way in the operation and sale of gas and energy, optimizing the portfolio and working on the insertion of renewable sources.

Frameworks of the Opening of the Gas Market in Brazil and Petrobras

The New Gas Law established a new regulatory framework for the natural gas sector in Brazil. Within this new scenario, our strategy is focused on acting in a competitive and integrated way in the operation and sale of gas and energy, optimizing the portfolio and working on the insertion of renewable sources.


Signature of Decree No. 9616/2018, of December 2018. This decree brought important guidelines for opening up the market, based on the knowledge consolidated by the “Gás para Crescer” [Gas to Grow] initiative, in particular: the organization of the transport system by entry and exit; third-party negotiated access to distribution, processing and regasification facilities; and guidelines for opening up the market in the states.

We signed amendments to the Legacy GTAs with TBG to decongest capacity to be offered to third parties on 11/27/2018.


New Gas Market – program that established new initiatives to open up the gas market and consolidated existing ones, with emphasis on the enactment, in June 2019, of CNPE Resolution 16/2018, of the National Council for Energy Policy, which brought guidelines and policies to be observed by the sector's agents to open up the market.

Instrument of Cessation (TCC) signed between the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) and Petrobras – through this agreement, a relevant set of actions has been implemented by Petrobras, according to the established schedule, aiming at opening the Brazilian natural gas market, with incentives for the entry of new players in the market.

Approval of the Sinief (National System of Economic and Tax Information) adjustment related to tax documents, which allows different players to trade gas through pipelines, already considering the contracting of the transport service in the entry and exit regime.

We decline exclusivity on transportation contracts on 07/24/2019. 

We indicated our needs for injection and withdrawal capacities in TAG and NTS systems on 09/24/2019.


We participated in the creation of the Book of Best Practices for Processing and Distribution, together with IBP.

We published a specific website regarding the offer of processing and distribution capacity.

We sent a letter to those potentially interested in accessing the processing plants and distribution infrastructures in 5 different production hubs in Brazil.

We carried out the closing of TAG, having completed the full divestment of that company on 07/20/2020.

We published the teaser for Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolivia-Brasil S.A. (TBG), on 12/23/2020, just 20 days after the disclosure of the regulatory asset base by the ANP.

We have elected 9 Independent Directors, 1 at TAG, 2 at NTS, 3 at TBG and 3 at Gaspetro.

We signed, on 10/01/2020, with Petrogal Brasil, Repsol Sinopec Brasil, Shell Brasil (partners in the offshore gas pipelines of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Complex - PPSBS) and Shell Energy Brasil Gás, contracts for sharing the natural gas distribution and processing infrastructure (SIE-BS – Santos Basin Integrated Distribution System and SIP – Integrated Processing System).

We carried out the bidding procedure for leasing the Baía de Todos os Santos Regasification Terminal (TRBA), in Bahia, with the publication of the notice in August 2020 (before the scheduled deadline of September 2020), and we started a new bidding procedure in 2021.

We hired a Monitoring trustee to monitor the performance of the acts, and the agreement was executed on 01/07/2020, within the deadline established in the TCC.

On 03/06/2020, we signed an amendment with Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), a Bolivian public company dedicated to the exploration, distillation and sale of oil and its byproducts, to reduce the purchase from 30 million m³/day to 20 million m³/day.

CNPE Resolution No. 16/2019 additionally provides for the offer of network flexibility and balancing services, duly remunerated, ensuring the security of national supply during a transition period or while there are no other players able to offer these services. In line with this guideline, in 2020 we developed a flexible gas sales model aimed at balancing the carriers' network. The model was presented to several players in the natural gas sector (Ministry of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Economy, TCC Trustee, ATGÁS, IBP, ABEGAS and ANP).


In the legislative sphere, the opening process advanced significantly, with the approval of Law 14,134/2021, of 04/08/2021, which established the new regulatory framework for the natural gas sector in Brazil, establishing essential rules for opening this market, and Decree 10,712/2021, of 06/02/2021, which governs the new law. The approval of the law and the decree gives legal certainty to investors, by allowing the structuring of a legal and regulatory framework in this new scenario.

We carried out the closing of NTS, having completed the full divestment of that company on 04/30/2021.

We signed, on 11/16/2021, with the company Potiguar E&P (a subsidiary of PetroReconcavo), contracts for the distribution and processing of natural gas produced on land thereby in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. On 01/01/2022, such contracts entered into commercial operation.

We signed a contract to reduce flexibility and amendments to Legacy GTAs with TAG on 12/21/2021, allowing third parties to access the transportation system. These contracts aim to adapt the current transportation service contracts, so that carriers, under the supervision of the ANP, can offer the remaining available capacity to the market, in the entry and exit regime. It should be noted that, even before the aforementioned contracts were signed, access under the interruptible mode was already possible. As a result, the transportation systems of the TAG, NTS and TBG carriers (which already offer available capacity since 01/01/2020) are accessible for contracting in all existing modalities by other users.

We carried out the bidding procedure for leasing the Baía de Todos os Santos Regasification Terminal (TRBA), in Bahia, with the publication of the notice in August 2020 (before the scheduled deadline of September 2020), and we started a new bidding procedure in 2021. The leasing process has been completed. We signed the Instrument of Receipt provided for in the contract and transferred, on December 4, the operation of the Bahia Liquefied Natural Gas Regasification Terminal (TR-BA) to the company Excelerate Energy Comercializadora de Gás Natural (Excelerate). The execution of the instrument was carried out after the transaction was approved by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). We support Excelerate in obtaining the necessary licenses and authorizations, as well as complying with the conditions precedent in the lease agreement for the operation of the terminal. Excelerate's regasification vessel is positioned in TR-BA and, with the transfer of the operation, Excelerate can make natural gas available to the market. Any additional information on processes already concluded (lease of the TR-BA and access to the TR-PECEM) may be requested through the Access to Information Law (LAI).

We published, on 09/17/2021, the bidding procedure for exceptional access to TR-PECEM and Associated Facilities, in compliance with the determination of the Chamber of Exceptional Rules for Hydroenergetic Management (CREG), pursuant to Official Letter No. 14/2021/CREG- MME, of 08/09/2021, thus enabling the terminal's operational return in the context of the exceptional situation of water crisis in the country. The procedure was closed without receiving a commercial proposal. 

In addition to the processing and distribution agreements, we have signed natural gas swap agreements for the sale of processed gas at the output of the processing units. For the Campos Basin Complex (UTGCAB), we entered into a contract with Equinor, on 12/31/2021, for gas from Roncador, in the Campos Basin. The swap contracts are transitory in nature and promote earlier access to the necessary infrastructure, given that Petrobras processes the gas produced which, after this stage, is reacquired by the companies, allowing them to directly access the natural gas transportation and market. 


On 01/01/2022, the contracts for the distribution and processing of natural gas produced on land by Potiguar E&P (a subsidiary of PetroReconcavo) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte went into commercial operation.

We carried out the closing of Gaspetro, having completed the full divestment of that company on 07/11/2022.

On 08/01/2022, the Integrated Processing System (SIP) came into operation, after completion of the conditions precedent of the processing contract with Petrogal Brasil at the Cabiúnas Gas Treatment Unit (UTGCAB).

On 12/23/2022, we entered into disposal (SIE-BS) and processing (SIP) contracts with CNOOC, which entered into commercial operation on 01/01/2023.

Catu Complex: contracts entered into, on 12/31/2021, with PetroRecôncavo, relating to gas from the Remanso and Miranga Complexes, with Origin, on 01/01/2022, relating to gas from the Tucano Sul Complex and with 3R, on 05/29/2022, regarding gas from the Recôncavo and Rio Ventura Complexes.

We signed a contract to reduce flexibility and amendments to Legacy GTAs with NTS on 09/30/2022, allowing third parties to access the transportation system. These contracts are intended to adjust the transportation service contracts in force, so that carriers, under the supervision of the ANP, can offer the remaining available capacity to the market, in the entry and exit regime, it should be noted that, even before the aforementioned contracts are executed, access under the interruptible modality was already possible. As a result, the transportation systems of the TAG, NTS and TBG carriers (which already offer available capacity since 01/01/2020) are accessible for contracting in all existing modalities by other users.

On 12/28/2022, with companies PetroReconcavo, Origin Energia and 3R Petroleum, we signed contracts for the distribution and processing of natural gas produced on land in the state of Bahia. The contracts started on 03/01/2022, after compliance with the conditions precedent, with emphasis on the issuance of a decree by the Government of the State of Bahia, which was necessary for the operationalization of the distribution contracts.


On 12/23/2022, we entered into disposal (SIE-BS) and processing (SIP) contracts with CNOOC, which entered into commercial operation on 01/01/2023.

On 01/01/2023, after compliance with the conditions precedent, the processing contract at the UTGCAB with Shell Energy Brasil Gás entered into commercial operation.

On 01/01/2023, after compliance with the conditions precedent, the processing contract at UTGCA with Petrogal Brasil Comercializadora entered into commercial operation.







Check out how our performance will be in the New Gas Market

We recognize that oil and gas production is still needed to provide the necessary energy security for the planet and, especially, for Brazil. Therefore, we will continue to increase our production of fossil fuels in the coming decades. The priority is to explore existing findings and discover new reserves.

We understand the role of natural gas as the transition fuel par excellence in the world, and here, in Brazil, we see potential in the transition of the industry and in the security and reliability of the electricity sector for the expansion of renewable energy. For this reason, we will continue to make relevant investments to increase the supply of natural gas.

Our range of diversified and competitive natural gas products ensures this transitional movement in the industry. And all of this comes with the Petrobras delivery guarantee: in 2022, we reached 100% delivery reliability for customers.

To guarantee this high level of reliability, we rely on a set of assets, from production platforms, gas flow pipelines and gas treatment units to LNG regasification terminals, which provide the necessary flexibility to meet fluctuations in demand and supply. caused by scheduled and unscheduled stops.

In this way, we continue making contributions to a fair energy transition aligned with the increase in renewable energy generation or with lower greenhouse gas emissions, moving towards a low-carbon economy.


Brazilian electricity needs are mainly met by hydroelectric power plants and other sources of energy (wind, solar, coal, nuclear, fuel oil, diesel oil, natural gas used in thermoelectrics, and others).

We generate and sell electric power from a generator complex consisting of 14 thermoelectric power plants that we own or lease, operating under the authorization regime as an independent power producer. These plants are designed to supplement power from the hydroelectric power plants.

Fator de Alavancagem

Conheça o Fator de Alavancagem da Comercialização de Energia Elétrica da Petrobras em atendimento à Resolução Normativa da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica nº 1.072 de 29/08/2023.

Discover our thermoelectric plants

Since the beginning of the 2000s, we started to build thermoelectric plants and, soon after, we expanded our operations until we were present throughout the production chain. The generating station managed by Petrobras totals 5.3 GW of installed capacity, placing our company as the sixth largest agent in installed generation capacity (ANEEL).



Vale do Açu


Juiz de Fora

Três Lagoas





Nova Piratininga


Baixada Fluminense


Map of the Termoceará Plant


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Ícone do botão Caucaia – Ceará
The Termoceará Plant has an installed capacity of 220 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Termoceará Plant
Map of the Termobahia Plant


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Ícone do botão São Francisco do Conde – Bahia
The Termobahia Plant has an installed capacity of 186 MW of power, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Termobahia Plant
Map of the Vale do Açu Plant

Vale do Açu

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Ícone do botão Alto do Rodrigues – Rio Grande do Norte
The Vale do Açu Plant has an installed capacity of 323 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Vale do Açu Plant
Map of the Ibirité Plant


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Ícone do botão Ibirité – Minas Gerais
The Ibirité Plant has an installed capacity of 235 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Ibirité Plant
Map of the Juiz de Fora Plant

Juiz de Fora

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Ícone do botão Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais
The Juiz de Fora Plant has an installed capacity of 87 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Juiz de Fora Plant
Map of the Três Lagoas Plant

Três Lagoas

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Ícone do botão Três Lagoas – Mato Grosso do Sul
The Três Lagoas Plant has an installed capacity of 386 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Três Lagoas Plant
Map of the Termomacaé Plant


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Ícone do botão Macaé – Rio de Janeiro
Termomacaé has an installed capacity of 923 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Termomacaé Plant
Map of the Termorio Plant


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Ícone do botão Duque de Caxias – Rio de Janeiro
The Termorio Plant has an installed capacity of 989 MW, it supplies steam to the Duque de Caxias Refinery (REDUC) and generates energy for the National Interconnected System (SIN).
Photo of the Termorio Plant
Map of the Seropédica Plant


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Ícone do botão Seropédica – Rio de Janeiro
The Seropédica Plant has an installed capacity of 360 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Seropédica Plant
Map of the Piratininga Plant


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Ícone do botão São Paulo – São Paulo
The Piratininga Plant has an installed capacity of 190 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Piratininga Plant
Map of the Nova Piratininga Plant

Nova Piratininga

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Ícone do botão São Paulo – São Paulo
The Nova Piratininga Plant has an installed capacity of 386 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Nova Piratininga Plant
Map of the Canoas Plant


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Ícone do botão Canoas – Rio Grande do Sul
The Canoas Plant has an installed capacity of 249 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Canoas Plant
Map of the Baixada Fluminense Plant

Baixada Fluminense

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Ícone do botão Seropédica – Rio de Janeiro
The Baixada Fluminense Plant has an installed capacity of 530 MW, intended for independent energy production.
Photo of the Baixada Fluminense Plant
Map of the Cubatão Plant


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Ícone do botão Cubatão – São Paulo
Located in the municipality of Cubatão (SP), the Cubatão Plant has an installed capacity of 250 MW, it supplies steam to the Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC) and generates energy for the National Interconnected System (SIN).
Photo of the Cubatão Plant

Connections for Innovation: we are looking for partners to transform the Gas Market

The market is constantly evolving — and so are we. Our Connections for Innovation program opens doors and supports startups, companies and institutions in the development of new technological solutions to face our challenges. Learn more on how to participate.

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