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Strategic Plan: new movements, feet in the present and eyes on the future

We are getting ready for the future. Discover how in our strategic plan 2024 - 2028+.
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New Movements

We will transition to new energies gradually, responsibly, and progressively. A transition that is good for the planet and fair to the people.

We are expanding our investments in new energies, without abruptly giving up on oil production, which is still necessary to meet the global energy demand and finance the energy transition.

Vision, purpose, values, and strategic drivers

Our vision represents a synthesis of what we want to be. Our purpose, on the other hand, represents the reason for our existence. Both of them are supported by our values, which represent our commitment to people, society, our partners, and shareholders.

Strategic drivers

  • Full attention to people
  • Focus on profitable Exploration & Production assets
  • Adequacy and improvement of the current refining park
  • Fair energy transition
  • Sustainable development of the country taking advantage of the productive chains
  • Global vanguard in energy transition
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Our vision

  • To be the best diversified and integrated energy company in generating value, building a more sustainable world, reconciling the focus on oil and gas with diversification in low carbon businesses (including petrochemical products and fertilizers), sustainability, safety, respect for the environment, and full attention to people.
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Our purpose

  • To provide energy that ensures prosperity in an ethical, fair, safe, and competitive manner.​​​​​​​
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Our values

  • Care for people 
  • Integrity 
  • Sustainability 
  • Innovation 
  • Commitment to Petrobras and the country

Top metrics

In the 2024-28+ Stratecic Plan, the review of the top metrics took into account alignment with the market, the company's ambitions and the importance of and adherence to the main organizational objectives established. Thus, the top metrics, which reflect and quantify the main attributes of the vision and provide a more explicit orientation of the organization's main objectives, underwent specific adjustments in the way the value (DELTA VALOR) and sustainability (ICMA) metrics are communicated. In addition, the  FPI - Fatality and Permanent Impairment (TAG) metric was included, which joins the TIR- Total Recordable Injuries (TAR) metric in the Commitment to People Safety Indicator (ICSP).
As a result, we continue to have four top metrics, three of which are used for the variable remuneration of all our employees (IAGEE, ICMA and DELTA VALOR). Of these three metrics, two are related to the ESG issue, the indicator compliance with greenhouse gas targets (IAGEE) and the indicator for commitment to the environment (ICMA), which considers the volume of oil and oil products leaked.
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IAGEE: measured by the weighted average of IGEE E&P and IGEE REFINING
ICMA: measured by the volume of oil and oil products leaked
ICSP: measured by TIR - Total Recordable Injuries  and FPI - Fatality and Permanent Impairment

Discover our business strategies

With our feet in the present and our eyes on the future, we are preparing ourselves for what lies ahead.

Grounded in the present, because we understand the importance of focusing on the present moment, investing in the production of fuel that helps our country move forward, pushing boundaries and implementing innovative solutions in our operations.

Focused on the future, as we strategically plan for a world in harmony with the Paris Agreement, striving for sustainability. 

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Exploração e Produção

Exploration and production

  • Maximize the value of the portfolio with a focus on profitable assets, replenish oil
    and gas reserves including exploration of new frontiers, increase the supply of
    natural gas, and promote the decarbonization of operations
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Refino, transporte e comercialização

Refining, Transport and Marketing

  • Act competitively and safely, maximize the capture of value by the adequacy and
    improvement of our industrial park and supply chain and logistics, seek self-
    sufficiency in oil products, with vertical integration, more efficient processes,
    improvement of existing products and development of new products towards a low-
    carbon market.
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Gás e energia

Gas and Energy and Renewables

  • Act in a competitive and integrated manner in the operation and commercialization
    of gas and energy, optimizing the portfolio and acting in the insertion of renewable
Picture of a building with the lights on.


  • Act in low carbon businesses, diversifying the portfolio in a profitable way and promoting the perpetuation of Petrobras;
  • Act in our businesses with integrity and sustainability with safety, seeking decreasing emissions, promoting diversity and social development, contributing to a fair energy transition and training experts in sustainability;
  • ​​​​​​​Innovate to generate value for the business, supporting operational excellence and enabling solutions in new energies and decarbonization

Our ESG positioning

Acting safely and sustainably in our business with integrity, seeking to reduce emissions, promoting diversity and social development, contributing to a just energy transition.

petrobras esg positioning

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