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Our steps follow the commitment to Human Rights

For us, acting with social responsibility is a form of integrated, ethical and transparent management of business and activities and our relationships with all publics of interest. We assume as a principle to respect, raise awareness, prevent violations and promote human rights in all our activities.

Due Diligence of Human Rights

Due to the nature and scale of our business, we are exposed to risks of human rights violations, as our projects and operations of exploration, production, refining and transportation of oil and derivatives involve an extensive chain of suppliers, a significant workforce and a set of communities located around our units, requiring permanent interactions with society. We believe that integrated and proactive risk management is fundamental to delivering safe and sustainable results. We adopt standards and processes that guide our actions on issues related to human rights for the workforce, communities, suppliers and partners.

Discover our commitments and practices

Corporate Policies

In addition to the Social Responsibility Policy and the Human Rights Guidelines, we have other policies that reinforce our socially responsible actions and our commitments to human rights. They include:
Safety, Health and Environmental Policies, Protective Intelligence and Corporate Security Policy, Human Resources Policy and Ombudsman.

Human Rights Governance

In January 2021, we established the Petrobras Human Rights Commission, which is responsible for managing, in an integrated, broad and transversal manner across the business, the implementation of the human rights agenda established by the Petrobras Human Rights Guidelines.

Actions to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion

When we talk about diversity, we encompass equity and inclusion, aiming for an environment that is conducive to the expression and recognition of people's identities, as well as the consolidation of relationships based on respect and trust. Its management is carried out through principles of respecting differences, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination.

Reaffirming our commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, in 2024 we published our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy, which discloses a set of principles and guidelines that should support and guide decision-making processes and behaviors. We also published the Guideline for Preventing and Combating Discrimination, Moral Harassment and Sexual Violence, a document that guides the company's actions to prevent and combat discrimination, moral harassment, and sexual violences in all regions where we operate, throughout the life cycle of our projects, operations, and work relationships.
Links to access our documents:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Guideline for Preventing and Combating Discrimination, Moral Harassment and Sexual Violence

Preventing and responding to Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence

Petrobras' Position on Diversity and Combating Harassment and Discrimination

Relationship with Communities

Maintaining a long-term community relationship, based on dialogue and transparency, is one of our main commitments. To this end, we develop actions and projects to strengthen bonds, respect social rights and generate mutual benefits for communities close to the places where we operate. Find out more about our actions in Sustainability Report.

Corporate Citizenship

We have developed several corporate citizenship practices, with the objective of meeting the demands of communities in the territories where we operate, achieving positive socio-environmental transformations, consolidating relationships with our publics of interest, and strengthening our reputation. These actions can occur through donations, volunteering actions, socio-environmental investments and sponsorships.

Well-being and health of our employees

Our Safety, Environment and Health (SMS) management system includes measures aimed at promoting, preventing and preserving comprehensive health, aiming at the quality of life of our employees and sustainability. Currently, all our employees are covered by this SMS management system. Our service providers also make full use of this system when they are on the company's premises and are even audited by the Health, Safety, and Environment Management Internal Audit Process (PAG-SMS).

Relationship with the Supply Chain

As established in our Ethical Conduct Guide for Suppliers, we are committed to the highest standards of integrity, social and environmental responsibility, and ethical conduct. Our suppliers must provide safe working conditions, treat their workers with dignity and respect, act with integrity and ethics, and be in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Based on this guide and on the standards concerning guidelines for monitoring contracts for goods and services, we verify compliance with the execution of contractual clauses regarding aspects related to safety, environment and health, as well as social responsibility. 

Queries and Complaints Mechanisms

We provide direct contact channels for registering queries and complaints, such as 0800 728 9001 (Contact Us) and an institutional email directed to the social responsibility teams that serve the Business Units. Regarding complaints from communities present in the coverage area, records are made via SAC and the General Ombudsman's Office. We provide service through free telephones with 24-hour service coverage, seven days a week, through contact channels widely publicized in the communities where we operate.

The General Ombudsman's channels are intended for second-step service to interested parties, with a more individualized, empathetic and welcoming approach. The General Ombudsman's Office is also responsible for managing the Reporting Channel, through which we receive, process and report, independently, impartially and confidentially, complaints made by all the company's interested people. Available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, it can be accessed via website or by telephone.

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