Logistics: we cross borders and horizons
We cross the sky, land, and sea to bring our energy to people around the world. Find out how we integrate our transport and sale.
Our daily petroleum production in Brazil is more than 2 million barrels of oil equivalent — sufficient to supply the routine of millions of people. But this is only possible because we have traveled a long journey.
Our work begins long before the petroleum reaches dry land. Discover our main logistics activities.
On a daily basis, we cross Brazilian soil from north to south and from east to west to transport petroleum and derivates with agility and security among our operations.
In addition to road presence, which covers a large part of the national network, our main land movement takes place through pipelines and oil pipelines operated by Transpetro.
By uniting road and pipeline transport, we are able to connect our petroleum refineries, gas treatment units and thermoelectric plants among themselves and with companies that use our products, such as other oil companies, distributors, and petrochemical companies.
Our most important assets pass through here: people. In 2020, we transported more than 5,000 passengers, a crowd equivalent to the number of visitors to Fernando de Noronha for 3 years! We are responsible for 20% of all air transport in the worldwide petroleum and gas offshore industry.
Air operations are also used to assist with inspections, medical needs, and transportation of materials to offshore assets.
LCO, NGL, LPG… Before moving on, let's stop to learn a little more about the products we produce and transport.
Name used to group different light-colored petroleum derivates, such as gasoline.
Name used to group dark petroleum derivates such as bunker oil.
It is used in boilers and engines in thermoelectric power plants, for example.
It is the traditional kitchen gas, which can be propane, butane, or a mixture of the two gases
Also called light oil, LCO is derived from oil refining
It can be derived from petroleum (ethanol) or made from plant waste (bioethanol)
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