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New Frontiers of Exploration

We are always working to meet energy demands,develop production and expand our horizons.

Located in the north of the country, between the states of Amapá and Rio Grande do Norte, the Equatorial Margin has an important oil potential and offers a series of opportunities to improvethe lives of thousands of Brazilians. There is the possibility of generating jobs, increasing revenue and participating in regional and national development.

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And to operate in this region, nothing better than having a Brazilian company, a world reference in exploration in deep and ultra-deep waters. Our projects for the area take advantage of all the successful experience in several sedimentary basins in Brazil, such as Campos and Sergipe-Alagoas, as well as the pre-salt layer. Petrobras has already drilled more than 700 wells on the Equatorial Margin and is committed to ensuring safe and responsible operations. We follow the most rigorous operational, technical and safety standards, seeking to meet the energy demand of the Brazilian society.

Why the Equatorial Margin?

This region has a relevant oil potential, even more so if we consider the recent discoveries made by others in regions close to this border (Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname).

Due to the characteristics of the oil and the estimation of existing volumes, the Equatorial Margin arouses interest not only in the Brazilian industry, but also in the international oil and gas market, which identifies promising opportunities in the region that need to be developed.

Our Strategic Plan 2050 and Business Plan 2025-2029 foresees an investment of US$3 billion in this region over the next five years and the drilling of 15 wells. This will allow us to contribute to meeting the growing demand for energy from production carried out with technological investments that guarantee operational safety and environmental care.

Investments in Exploration (by 2029)

Map showing exploration investments (2025–2029) with $7.9 billion allocated for 51 new wells: 40% in South/Southeast margin, 38% in Equatorial margin, and 22% in others. Highlights key offshore and onshore basins in South America, Africa, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Technological and Environmental Solutions

Our oil exploration and production activities are recognized worldwide. One of the reasons for this recognition is the use of state-of-the-art technologies that reduce emissions in our operation. These solutions even placed Petrobras among the companies with the lowest proportional emissions of greenhouse gases in the world! Check out some of the awards we've received over time::

OTC Prizes

See below OTC Awards received:


Innovations developed for
Campo de Marlim


Set of technological solutions
for Roncador


Technologies to develop the Santos
Basin pre-salt layer


Technological advances
in Búzios


Revitalization Program in the Campos Basin with cutting-edge technologies for mature offshore fields

In addition, at OTC Brasil Petrobras won an award in 2019 for the early production project of Mero field.

At the Equatorial Margin, we will continue to implement solutions in line with the best ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices and combine innovation, efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Our new generation projects will be fundamental for the energy transition process and will enable solutions focused on sustainabilit.

The projects made available for the Equatorial Margin are part of the New Generation of Solutions that combine innovation and efficiency. Meet some of them:

We have the expertise and technology to operate from north to south of Brazil

From an environmental point of view, we are prepared to start this journey following all the necessary precautions to impact as little as possible all the physical, biological and social characteristics of the Equatorial Margin. In addition, we are creating Technologies to develop the Santos Basin pre-salt layer

Our technical capacity and almost 70 years of experience enable us to open new frontiers and deal with the particularities of the Equatorial Margin. We have all the expected requirements for a project of this magnitude: state-of-the-art technology, high performance, creativity and qualified professionals. proposals that may enable development for the entire region. Our project combines care for the environment with possible socioeconomic advancement.

An initiative in the monitoring and conservation actions of coastal migratory birds and residents along the Western Atlantic route, with emphasis on the five most endangered species in Brazil: Red knot (Calidris canutus), Short-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus), Semipalmated sandpiper (Calidris pusilla), Wilson's plover (Charadrius wilsonia), Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii). The project concentrates its efforts along the coast of Ceará and in part of the coastal zone of Rio Grande do Norte, in at least 14 coastal municipalities..

Migratory Birds of the Northeast is developed by the Association for Research and Preservation of Aquatic Ecosystems – AQUASIS, sponsored by Petrobras..
This project focuses on the recovery and conservation of mangroves in Marine Extractive Reserves in the state of Pará Amazon Mangroves will conserve 30 hectares of mangroves and recover another 12 hectares with the planting of 60,000 seedlings. The work will have the participation of the communities of Bragança, Augusto Corrêa and Tracuateua and will benefit more than 7,600 people.

This project is carried out by the Peabiru Institute and the Sarambuí Association, with support from the Mangrove Ecology Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (LAMA/UFPA) and sponsored by Petrobras..
Valuable Forest works to enhance the value of products found in the interior of the forest and to generate income for more than two million people in Brazil. The initiative, which benefits traditional peoples and communities in Pará, Mato Grosso and Rondônia, has been ongoing for over 20 years and combines social development with environmental conservation.

This project was developed by Imaflora and is sponsored by Petrobras, through the Petrobras Socioenvironmental Program.
*Protection network for children and adolescents

The Mobilize and Act project operates in Manaus/AM and Oiapoque/AP and is developed by the Santo Antônio Child and Adolescent Assistance Institute (IACAS) and is sponsored by Petrobras.

Mobilize and Act  has been ongoing for two years and aims to strengthen the child and adolescent protection network. The project actions aim to:
  • Strengthen family ties and children and youth protagonism with psychosocial support and workshops in Manaus and in communities in the Amazon;
  • Coordinate institutional policies between bodies of the Child and Adolescent Statute, in the fight against sexual violence against children and adolescents;
  • Mobilize the local protection network through events with the participation of the community in general.
*Kayapó indigenous people

The Tradition and Future of the Amazon project contributes to the territorial and environmental management of five Kayapó Indigenous Lands in Pará and Mato Grosso. The initiative carries out conservation actions for the local biodiversity of more than 11 million hectares in the Amazon and the Cerrado biomes. In addition, it offers actions to train and generate income for indigenous peoples and much more! All to value the knowledge of the Mebêngôkre people.

It is carried out by the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO) and is sponsored by Petrobras..

We have the knowledge to care for the environment and protect local biodiversity

From the point of view of our operations, in order to carry out exploratory drilling in the area, we are conducting a series of studies to identify possible environmental impacts. These studies are available and can be accessed by anyone on the Ibama website ( It is also worth mentioning that each study can receive contributions from the Brazilian society through the procedures provided for in the scope of environmental licensing, especially in public hearings..

Another front that we are developing are measures to mitigate, control and monitor the impacts of our activities. We have projects to track and help the fauna, manage waste, monitor and control effluents. We also have social communication and environmental education actions for our professionals, actions to protect biodiversity, among others.

In case of emergencies, we are prepared for a quick response: we have a structure with state-of-the-art equipment for well control and oil collection. In addition, we have specialized vessels, oceanic barriers to contain and collect oil, and teams trained to deal with these situations. Simulations are carried out regularly to test our response structure and continue to improve our processes.


Environmental Licensing

How we guarantee the safety of the operation

  • Local (at the well) and remote (at Petrobras headquarters) 24-hour operational monitoring
  • Periodic execution of planned inspections of systems and equipment
  • Implementation of preventive and corrective maintenance programs
  • Technical qualification and training
  • Accident registration and investigation
  • Carrying out inspections and audits

See how our energy will act on the Equatorial Margin

Production of energy with fewer emissions

  • Petrobras' vision is to be the best energy company in generating value, focusing on oil and gas, sustainability, safety, respect for people and the environment;
  • Even in projections that adhere more closely to the Paris Agreement, the global energy matrix will still show significant demand for oil and gas in the coming decades;
  • Petrobras is attentive to the energy transition and brings all ESG precepts to its projects;
  • Petrobras takes effective actions to minimize its emissions.

We care for people and the environment

  • Our Social Responsibility policy is committed to providing energy respecting Human Rights and the environment. Within this, we also seek to develop relationships with the communities where we operate and overcome sustainability challenges, such as the low-carbon transition.
  • In addition, we support initiatives that contribute to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda, aimed at combating poverty and inequality, ensuring respect for human rights, promoting environmental preservation and combating climate change.

Energy Transition

  • At the same time that we need to meet society's demand, we have the challenge of intensifying investment in renewable energies. Therefore, on the one hand, we are going to increase our efforts in exploring new frontiers, such as the Equatorial Margin, and work on new pre-salt projects, as well as the reassessment of producing basins. This is important because the oil that will be consumed in 2050 has yet to be discovered.
  • On the other hand, we will use our experience to develop bioproducts and seek new frontiers in renewable energy to diversify our operations. The goal is to be an integrated energy company and lead the journey towards the energy transition.

Find out more about the Equatorial Margin and our work there

The Equatorial Margin is a new frontier for oil exploration. It plays a key role in ensuring Brazil’s energy security and providing the resources needed to enable the energy transition.
The Brazilian Equatorial Margin is located off the coast of the states of Amapá, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, and Rio Grande do Norte.
The Equatorial Margin comprises five oil basins: Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Ceará and Potiguar.
According to the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP), the estimated oil reserves on the Equatorial Margin exceed 30 billion barrels (bbl). Due to this estimated oil volume and the characteristics of the oil, the Equatorial Margin has attracted interest from both Brazilian and global oil industries.
The Equatorial Margin has the potential to ensure Brazil’s energy security for the coming decades, meeting the growing demand for energy while also creating jobs and driving regional and national development.
In all scenarios aligned with the Paris Agreement, oil and gas activities will remain essential in the coming years to enable the energy transition to take place with guaranteed availability, access and reliability in the energy supply. Therefore, with oil exploration in the Equatorial Margin, we will seek new oil reserves to guarantee the energy that Brazil needs.
We follow rigorous environmental and technical processes to ensure the safety of operations and care for the environment and people. Our technical expertise and experience of over 70 years of history, combined with our decarbonization technologies, enable us to operate on the Equatorial Margin in a sustainable and fair manner.

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