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Our reforestation initiatives create a better tomorrow

We have a duty to invest in projects to restore forests and species native to Brazilian biomes. See our reforestation initiatives.
Person picking a growing plant

We work to take care of Brazilian forests

In 2021, we announced an increase of approximately BRL 50 million in investments in projects aimed at the forest restoration of species native to Brazilian biomes, which contribute to carbon sequestration and fixation and avoid greenhouse gas emissions.

Floresta Viva Project

Reinforcing our social and environmental investments in blue carbon, in November 2022, we also launched the public notice Manguezais do Brasil, the first of the Floresta Viva initiative, in partnership with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and execution by the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity (Funbio). BRL 44.4 million in funds from Petrobras and the BNDES will be made available for up to nine ecological restoration projects for mangroves, apicuns, restingas and their drainage basins. Floresta Viva match funding intends to gather financial resources for native species reforestation projects in Brazilian biomes and generate carbon credits.  
The partnership between Petrobras and BNDES will total an investment of BRL 100 million by the two institutions to finance reforestation projects, through public selection and shared management. 

Floresta Viva Project

Reinforcing our social and environmental investments in blue carbon, in November 2022, we also launched the public notice Manguezais do Brasil, the first of the Floresta Viva initiative, in partnership with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and execution by the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity (Funbio). BRL 44.4 million in funds from Petrobras and the BNDES will be made available for up to nine ecological restoration projects for mangroves, apicuns, restingas and their drainage basins. Floresta Viva match funding intends to gather financial resources for native species reforestation projects in Brazilian biomes and generate carbon credits.  
The partnership between Petrobras and BNDES will total an investment of BRL 100 million by the two institutions to finance reforestation projects, through public selection and shared management. 

Voluntary Socio-Environmental Investment

Through our Social Responsibility initiatives, we voluntarily support efforts made by civil society organizations that work towards a new development model, one that values standing forests and flowing rivers, while promoting the well-being of the people who live there. In 2022, these projects preserved or restored around 254,000 hectares and strengthened over 27 million hectares of protected areas, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in synergy with public policies such as the National Conservation Plans for Endangered Species and the National Policy on Climate Change.
These initiatives took place in the Amazon, Caatinga, Cerrado, and Atlantic Forest, covering more than 460 species of fauna and flora in protection, monitoring, planting, or seed collection activities. Out of these, 14 are endangered fauna species, including the puma, the tapir, the armadillo, and the southern muriqui, the largest non-human primate in the Americas. In addition, 38,000 people benefited from actions like technical support, training for the restoration chain, and environmental education. Approximately $8 million in revenue was generated from supported local businesses.

Learn about the Petrobras Socio-Environmental Program.

Reforestation Action

Our reforestation and forest recovery actions together cover an area equivalent to over 2,000 soccer fields.
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Our reforestation and forest recovery actions together cover an area equivalent to over 2,000 soccer fields.

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