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Events: experiences that generate knowledge and promote innovation

Our energy will always be in places where we can learn, talk, and delve deeply into these themes.
Photo of Petrobras' booth at an event, with different people interacting with each other.

Business, Science, and Technology

And it is by using this energy that we identify, value, and listen to initiatives that wish to transform the Brazilian technological scenario together with us. Therefore, we base our support to business, science, and technology events on two lines:


Cooperation is in our DNA. We play a fundamental role in the dynamics of the entire energy production chain. We are a world leader in deepwater exploration technologies and in energy transition in the segment.  We are attentive to the demands of society and committed to the transition to a low carbon future. Therefore, we support initiatives that address challenges and solutions for the oil and gas (O&G) industry, such as: Rio Oil and Gas, Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Ceraweek, Abrasca Award for Best Annual Report and ECO Sustainability Award.
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We are driven by innovation, and we believe in discovery, research, and the transformative power of science. Technology and knowledge are fundamental for sustainable development, and are part of our culture. Thus, we support projects that discuss trends and encourage the development and application of knowledge to transform reality and build desirable futures. Some of them are: National Robotics Competition, Rio2C, Campus Party, Web Summit Rio, Rio Innovation Week, SBG Conference, SIMEA.

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Estamos nos principais ambientes de inovação do país. Para isso, selecionamos novos projetos, por meio de chamadas periódicas em nosso site, que priorizam o conhecimento e a discussão em torno de temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento tecnológico nacional.

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