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Natural Gas Processing Offer: understand how we are doing it

We have implemented a set of initiatives to facilitate interested agents' access to natural gas processing activities.
Aerial photo of the Cabiúnas Gas Processing Unit (UTGCAB),

We are living a new moment

To contribute to the development of all links of the Brazilian natural gas chain, we are now playing a new role as a gas processor for third parties. This represents an unprecedented type of business for the company, in addition to being crucial for the effective opening of the market.

Infrastructure for the distribution and processing of natural gas

Map of Petrobras' natural gas distribution and processing infrastructure in Brazil.

The map describes the infrastructure connected to the integrated natural gas transport system.

Information about natural gas processing units


City: Macaé

State: RJ

Capacity (m³/d): 25.160.000

Authorization No.: No. 520 of July 17, 2019, DOU of July 18, 2019.
Name: UTGCA  

City: Caraguatatuba

State: SP

Capacity (m³/d): 20.000.000

Authorization No.: No. 59 of February 14, 2017, DOU of February 15, 2017
Name: UTGC

City: Linhares

State: ES

Capacity (m³/d): 18.100.000​​​​​​​

Authorization No.: No. 684 of September 17, 2019, DOU of September 18, 2019

City: Anchieta

State: ES​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Capacity (m³/d): 2.500.000​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Authorization No.: No. 593 of December 19, 2008, DOU of  December 22, 2008

City: Catu

State: BA​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Capacity (m³/d): 2.000.000​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Authorization No.: No. 401 of May 7, 2015, DOU of May 8, 2015
Name: UTGITB (in progress)

City: Itaboraí

State: RJ

Capacity (m³/d): 21.000.000
Authorization No.: No. 253 of July 3, 2014, DOU of July 4, 2014

City: Coari

State: AM​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Capacity (m³/d): 12.200.000​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Authorization No.: No. 253 of July 3, 2014, DOU of July 4, 2014

Business Model and the Processing Contract

The business model for third-party access to natural gas processing infrastructure is carried out through on-demand processing operations. This means the shipment of the material for processing and the delivery of the processed product, maintaining the ownership of natural gas and its liquid derivatives throughout the entire process.

The contracting of these operations is formalized through a natural gas processing contract that may be executed in two modalities: the firm modality (in available capacity); or the interruptible modality (in idle capacity), at the processing plant of interest.

The processing costs are freely negotiated between Petrobras and the potential contractor, and are established according to the quality of the natural gas to be processed and the contract curve.

The business model for contracting Petrobras' natural gas processing capacity was based on the principles of the “Best Practices Booklet – Guidelines for Accessing the Natural Gas Processing Unit – NGPU”.

Processing Capacity Offer and Contracting

We offer processing capacity to potential interested parties in two stages:

1st Stage: Offer of capacity to agents who have rights over the production of natural gas from production fields, in order to guarantee the continuity of oil and gas production in the country. This stage is already underway.

2nd Stage: Offer of available processing capacity (after 1st-stage negotiations) to other interested agents. This offer will happen annually.

In order to guarantee equal and non-discriminatory treatment, all agents shall go through the following phases to contract processing capacity:

  • Agents express interest in contracting processing capacity;
  • Signing of a confidentiality agreement for the exchange of information between Petrobras and the potential contractor;
  • Exchange of initial information and definition of the negotiation schedule between the parties;
  • Negotiation between the parties for the execution of the processing contract.

Contact Information

We have started the first stage - offer of capacity contracting - aimed at agents who have rights over natural gas from production fields. If you are interested in starting negotiations for access to natural gas processing, please send a request via email

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