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Petrobras Bunker: high quality to explore the high seas

We are a reference in the production and supply of marine fuel oil. And this is mainly due to the unique Petrobras Bunker.
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Picture of a cargo ship on the high seas, representing the use of Petrobras Bunker.

Our tomorrow starts today

VLS B24 - the new Petrobras bunker with renewable content

Aiming for a just and safe energy transition, Petrobras is a pioneer and leader in Brazil in developing a fuel to accelerate maritime decarbonization.

VLS B24 is Petrobras’ marine fuel oil with renewable content, produced from a blend of 76% mineral bunker oil and 24% biodiesel (FAME - Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) by volume.

The biodiesel used is certified under ISCC EU RED, meeting the strict sustainability and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction criteria established by the European Renewable Energy Directive.

Additionally, it complies with the quality standards set by ANP Resolution No. 920 of 2023.

This product has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 20% and can be used in existing marine engines without the need for modifications.

Our marine fuel oil is energy to navigate and connect continents

We sail to distant seas with our fuels for the maritime transport of cargo and passengers. They are supplied through bunkering services by barges or headers, supplying vessels moored or anchored in the main Brazilian ports — both those that operate in coastal navigation along the Brazilian coast, as well as long-haul vessels that travel along our coast.

For the main internal combustion engines on these vessels, we supply the marine fuel oil named Petrobras Bunker, of the VLSFO (Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil) type and marine diesel, called MGO (Marine Gasoil) Petrobras, of the DMA type.

VLSFO Petrobras Bunker

We produce the bunker in our refineries from formulations that combine different streams of refining processes, aiming to meet domestic and international specifications and suitability for use and quality requirements.

We are the main company in Brazil in the production and supply of marine fuel oil. Petrobras Bunker complies with the requirements of the IMO 2020 regulation, which limited the sulfur content in marine fuels to 0.5% in mass, the international specifications of ISO 8217 and the national specifications of Resolution No. 903/2022 of the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).

Main characteristics of VLSFO Petrobras Bunker

Main characteristics of the Petrobras MGO

Tabela de Informações
Product ISO Standard Minimum Flash Point Maximum sulfur content Minimum Cetane Number
Meets ISO standard  8217:2010 Class F:DMA
0,50% in mass
LSMGO_2010 Meets ISO standard  8217:2010 Class F:DMA 60°C 0,10% in mass 40

Ports where we offer Bunkering services

Petrobras' Bunkering service follows high international standards of quality and safety, has its own products, excellence in services and competitive prices with the main supply ports in the world.
Map of Brazil with information on location, types, transportation, and storage of marine bunker fuel.

Do you want to be a Petrobras Bunkering service customer?

Click here to start contact with Petrobras.

Check out how Petrobras can meet your company's needs

Besides Petrobras Bunker, we develop and sell several other high quality products to meet the demands of society and Brazilian industries. Know all of them.

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